Diputada Maria Corina Machado
Rocio Guijarro Directora de Cedice, Dr.Julio Simon Castro Director de Salud Alcaldia de Sucre, Dr.Gustavo Villasmil Director Regional del Estado de Miranda y Secretario de Salud de Henrique Capriles
El Dr. Huber Matos Garsault, presidente de la Alianza Democrática*, se reunió este sábado 27 de abril en Caracas con líderes de la oposición venezolana. En los encuentros se analizaron las dificultades por las que atraviesa la democracia en Latinoamérica y la necesidad de organizarse y defenderla donde esté en peligro.
Matos Garsault ratificó el apoyo a los venezolanos:
“Venezuela vive circunstancias muy críticas y estamos aquí para hacer presente nuestra solidaridad. El mundo no puede permitir que desaparezca la democracia en este país. Sería una verdadera tragedia para los venezolanos y otro grave retroceso para la libertad en el continente”. “No es posible que mientras las fuerzas antidemocráticas se conjuran para secuestrarles las libertades de los venezolanos, la mayoría de los latinoamericanos sean testigos de este atropello con una mezcla de indignación, fatalismo e impotencia”.
“Carlos Alberto Montaner ha hablado del internacionalismo democrático y hay que ponerlo en práctica. Tenemos que organizarnos para apoyar a los demócratas venezolanos y a los cubanos, pero también para evitar que otro país caiga bajo el militarismo populista. Las democracias son frágiles y la demagogia es muy poderosa donde la desigualdad es injustificable. La democracia se debe alcanzar con igualdad de oportunidades, desarrollo, justicia social, transparencia y libertad”. Cuando no es así no es democracia, es un sistema con ventajas para un pequeño grupo nada más.
“En Venezuela el chavismo ha sido secuestrado por un grupo de radicales obedientes al castrismo, en perjuicio de los chavistas moderados. De haber reconocido el auténtico triunfo de Henrique Capriles el chavismo se habría convertido entonces en una oposición legítima, pero los sumisos han puesto los intereses de la tiranía castrista por encima de los intereses de Venezuela y en perjuicio de los intereses nacionales de su partido político”.
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*La Alianza Democrática se fundó en Washington, D.C. en 1989 por un grupo de cubanoamericanos: intelectuales, profesionales y empresarios. El proyecto fue concebido como un esfuerzo multigeneracional por un plazo de cien años, con el objetivo de contribuir al fortalecimiento de los valores éticos y la gobernabilidad democrática en Cuba.
Comisión Ejecutiva de la Junta de Directores de la Alianza Democrática – 2012
José Antonio Font, Chairman /
President, Font International Corp.
BA Degree in Int’l Business & Economics, School of International Service, The American University, DC. Graduate Studies in International Finance and Development Banking, The American University, DC
Eduardo M. Sardiña, Vice Chairman
Former President & Chief Executive Officer, Barcardi USA
Bachelors of Arts in Business Administration, St. Bennedict's College
Masters Degree in International Mgmt., The American Institute of Foreign Trade, Thunderbird, AZ
Huber Matos Garsault, MD, President
Private Practice, Jacksonville, Fl
Fellowship: Pain Medicine, Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, NH
Residency: Anesthesiology, University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida, Internship: General Surgery, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, Florida
M.D University of Medical Sciences, Costa Rica, July 1995- January 2001
Mathew S. Estevez, Esq., Secretary & Legal Counsel
Principal, Law Offices of Mathew S. Estevez, Esq.
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, June 1999
Juris Doctor, May 2006, University of Miami School of Law
Jorge Gross, CPA, Treasurer
Former Partner in Charge, LatAm. & S. Fl. Tax Groups (LATAX), PriceWaterhouseCoopers
BS Degree, Industrial Management and Engineering, Rensselaer Poytechnic Institute, New York
Graduate Studies in Accounting and Finance, University of Miami; Certified CPA, State of Fl., 1973.
Helio Rodriguez-Ecay, CPA, Chief Financial Officer
Principal, Rodríguez-Ecay, CPA’s
Bachelors of Science in Business Administration, University of Florida
Certified CPA, State of Florida, 1977
Jorge Pino, Vice Secretary / Treasurer
Principal, Pino, Fernandez & Associates
BS Industrial Engineering, University of Miami, Fl.
Masters in Business Administration, University of Miami, Fl.
Aida G. Iglesias, Chief of Party for Cooperative Agreements
Executive Director, International Programs, Alfalit International, Inc.
Post Graduate Work, Leadership in Public Policy at the University of Minnesota
Bachelor of Science, Business Administration-Accounting from Florida Atlantic University
Nora Hernandez Hendrix, Ph.D., Chairperson, Education Committee
Professor, Miami Dade College
Bachelors of Arts in Psychology, University of Florida, 1972
M.Ed. in Counsellor Education, University of Florida, 1976
Ph.D. in Higher Education, University of Miami, 1994
Jorge Brunet, Chairman, Communications Committee
President & Chief Creative Officer, Brunet Garcia Advertising, Inc.
Bachelors of Art in English
Raul Lopez-Perez, Latin American Media Relations
Executive Director, Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry, CAMACOL
Bachelor Degree in Social Communications, Universidad de Zulia, Venezuela
Former President, Consecomercio - Venezuela / Former Vice President of Fedecamaras – Venezuela
Ricardo Amundsen, Chairman, Development Committee
Former VP for Hispanic Markets, CocaCola, USA
Bachelor of Arts in English, University of Ohio
Armando Merino, Chairman, Membership Committee
General Manager, Clean Sweep of South Florida
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fl.
Angel F. Clarens, AIA, Chairman, Nominations Committee /
Principal, Egbert, Clarens & Associates, PC Architects, Washington, DC
Professor of Architecture, Howard University, Washington, DC
Bachelors in Architecture, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
Graduate Studies in Urban Planning, L'Ecole Speciale D'Architecture, Paris, France
Manuel Celaya Alberni, Immediate Past President /
President, Rockledge International, Ltd., Washington, DC
Bachelors of Science in Management, St. Leo College, Florida
Enrique Carrillo Mendoza, Director
Executive Vice President, Talisman Productions
Bachelors of Art, Economics & Philosophy, Benedictine College, Atchison, KS, 1980
Juan Jose Buttari, Ph.D., Director / Washington, DC
Former Senior Economist for Program and Policy Analysis, Economic Growth Center, Global Bureau, United States Agency for International Development/ also served key Mission positions.
Economic Consultant with the World Bank, The Organization of American States, and the American Institute for Free Labor Developement, AIFLD.
M.A. & Ph.D. Degrees in Economics, Georgetown University, 1973
Former Adjunct Professor of Economics, Georgetown University, Washingon, DC
Roberto Espin, Jr., Director
Former Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Hamilton Risk Management Corporation
B.S. Degree in Advertising, School of Journalism, University of Florida
Carlos Alberto Montaner, Director
Honorary Chairman, Union Liberal Cubana
President, Firmas Press, Inc. / International Essayist & Author
MA in International Relations, University of Miami
Javier Perez Palencia, Director
President, Wasabi Advertising & Casa Madrid, Miami, Florida
President “Only Sustainable” Annual Renewable Energy Conference, Miami, Fl
Bachelors of Science Degree, Florida Atlantic University, 1997
Executive MBA, Instituto de Empresa, Madrid-Miami, 2002
Michael L. Telson, Ph.D, Washington, DC
Vice President, General Atomics, Washington, D.C.
Former Chief Financial Officer, U.S. Department of Energy
Former Chief Economist / Energy Division, Congressional Budget Office
BS, MS & Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)