Félix Anasio Díaz
On November 2, 2017, citizen Félix Anasio Díaz Pineda, 66, born in the province of Holguín, approached CID to report his complete neglect by the government. Félix told us that his family had left for the United States during the massive migration of the 80’s and the only person who stayed in Cuba was his mother, Sara Pineda. Days later, relatives they had in the state of Florida informed them that the family had died trying to reach the United States. Upon learning the news, his mother committed suicide by setting fire to herself, and the house also burned. At that moment, the only thing Félix thought was to disappear off the face of the earth, because at the same time he had lost his mother and the house where both lived. He then left Holguín for the province of Cienfuegos.
During 1980, Félix began working at a sugar cane center called Abel Santamaría, in the province of Cienfuegos. As an outstanding worker, he obtained several distinctions from the Communist Party and other organizations, but he only asked for a house to live in, since he did extra work at labor centers and so they would let him sleep there so he would not have to sleep on the streets.
Best worker in 2002
During the latter years of his life, Félix worked as a guard for the Cienfuegos government offices located at the José Martí Park but he tells us he had to leave that job because they told him he could not sleep in his work center because it was not a lodging. He then went to work for a polyclinic in Pueblo Griffo, where as usual, he lives. In that job Félix will soon reach his| retirement age.
Félix has spent his life living at work centers, doing an excellent job, and the only thing he asks from the government is a small room to sleep in and that they pay his retirement, because at the end of his life he has nothing, not even a place to live.
By the Defensoría del Pueblo (People’s Defense) in Cienfuegos, Henry Lasso, “El Encuyé”.
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